Last week if I had said Japan, people would have wondered-vacation, business, new friend, new fascination. Now the only possible response is.....WOW.
I get earthquakes and I get tsunamis. I get that they happen, and I get the devastation that they cause. I understand instinctively that horrible things happen all over the world everyday, disasters both natural and manmade, but this. This is visceral. It's horrible and shocking and it's happening.
We can donate money. We can plan for our own disaster preparedness. We can become CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) members. We can pray, send strength and courage to those we know and those we don't. We can do all those things, and we do and will.
What we can't do is let it take over our day to day lives. We have to more forward, go to work and school, complain about kids and co-workers. Put out a helping hand in your community, in your neighborhood, in your family. Contribute to the big stuff--please do that. Also remember to do the small stuff.
Not surprisingly, I am frustrated by the boys. Not giant sized frustration, just constant small frustrations. They don't pay attention to their grades, they don't take care of their responsibilities, they take more than than give at every turn in the house. Outside of the house, they are great guys. They have earned a lot of respect in out community, at their school, with their friends, with out family and with our friends. Great kids, but they can't seem to focus on what they can do.
I don't have any huge thing tonight, just that I keep telling them that they have to focus on what they can do, take care of their responsibilities and move forward.
Advice I could maybe use a little of.
That's it, just do what we can do and don't focus on what we can't do.
Ok, something just hit me about kids and parents. The more comfortable and safe they feel the more relaxed they are and I'm thinking that given that they are such a joy in the community they may just be on their best behavior, composed, concentrating, and doing their best so when they come home it's time to let lose and be themselves. Not saying that they're not a joy in general but they're just letting it all out with you because they feel safe knowing you can take it and will still love them even at their worst.